Who we are

Created and managed by SIAESP - Union of the Audiovisual Industry of the State of São Paulo in 2006, in partnership with Apex Brasil, Cinema do Brasil is the National Cinema Promotion and Internationalization Program.
Currently, our associates are film production companies, distributors, sales agents and festivals from different parts of Brazil. Our objective is to expand the international insertion of Brazilian cinema, stimulating the co-production and distribution of films in foreign territories, and expanding business possibilities for the Brazilian film industry. Cinema do Brasil's lines of action are implemented by participating in and promoting business meetings in Brazil and abroad and by establishing strategic partnerships.

Film History
from Brazil
In 2006, when it started its activities, the presence of Brazilian films in international festivals and the participation of professionals in international markets was small.
Over the years, Cinema do Brasil's work has been to encourage the participation of Brazilian producers and distributors in these markets, encourage networking and promote Brazilian films at international festivals.
In this way, our talents began to circulate, their work was accompanied by foreign professionals and our cinema began to be recognized and prestigious.
The number of official co-productions carried out was very small, but it gradually grew until it reached something close to 30 official co-productions per year. The presence of Brazilian films at international festivals has also increased strongly, with films selected for the biggest festivals - Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Venice and San Sebastian in the same year! - in addition to several other festivals. Consequently, rewards and business generation also increased.

The Audiovisual Industry Union of the State of São Paulo, affiliated to the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo - FIESP, was founded in 1961, and constituted for the purpose of study, coordination, protection and legal representation of the economic category of the Audiovisual Industry, and also similar and related categories.
The Union acts in defense of the sector in different instances, maintaining dialogue with the executive and legislative powers.
It comprises studios, TV producers, content and video producers, cinematographic laboratories, dubbing, finishing and leasing companies of audiovisual equipment, producers of audiovisual advertising works and audiovisual works in general (feature, short and medium films), and also game producers, all with territorial base in the State of São Paulo.